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Version: 1.5

Page Verification


When load testing an application, it's very important to verify the page at each step of the test. This verification acts not only as a way to ensure you are in the correct part of the application under test, but also serves to anchor test timings to allow Element to correctly calculate and aggregate metrics such as the step response time.

If you don't verify the state of the app, then you're only timing the action of clicking on a link or button -- that is, the performance of the javascript running on the page. Adding verification allows your test to take into account both the javascript performance, and the page load and display times.

Using complete strings#

The easiest way to verify that a resulting page has been load successfully is to check some static text value that you know will apear once the page has loaded.

await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(By.visibleText('Resulting page text here')))

We can use the browser.wait command along with the By.visibleText option containing the static text we would like to validate against.

Or, you are able to use a simple text verification over 2 statements as follows:

let pageTextVerify = By.visibleText('Welcome to')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify))

Using partial strings#

If part of the known text is likely to change, consider using the partial visible text matcher:

let pageTextVerify = By.partialVisibleText('Welcome to')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageTextVerify))

Using XPath#

You are also able to wait for a specific object property on a resulting page load using a simple XPath query.

let pageObjectVerify = By.xpath('//a[contains(@id, "MyLoginLink")]')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(pageObjectVerify))